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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 50)
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ LegacyFactor

Well... before u say anyting about my English.... u hawe to count in this.... I LIVE IN SWEDEN.... AND I AM 13.... U DUMB ****..... And... anotherthing... I DONT GIVE A **** ABOUT HOW I WRITE MY MESSAGES....

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

OMG.... u gotta think a bit b4 u say its "easy".... Think like this....

EA had modders, teams, super pc`s and stuff..... And yeah A WHOLE BUNCH OF MONEY.... Reborn.... Is just some ppl tht want to make a mod.... they hawe grate modders.... but not 1 milion of them in "each" country..... like EA..... they aint got the best comps in the world..... and they dont got a whole bunch of money...... Just put it like this.... EA is a multi milion dollar company.... Tht want money..... Reborn Team.... is a bunch of ppl pashionate about their work.... and they dont want money..... They are like a SMALLER version of Westwood....

Now what do u think ??? does it still sound Easy ????? NO I DONT THINK SO !

Keep up the grate work REBORN TEAM.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

And DAMN... The Nod Becon is F**KING Coooooool.... *nughty toughts* yes... yes.... yes.... EXCILENT... I cant wait to see it in action !!!!

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

DAMMIT.... How do u know tht ???? I wanna know whos ur spy ?!?!?! *suspiciously looks at himself* lol.... wh/what is ur source ???

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Gaklayta! Kalle Gaklayta! Gaklayta! Gaklayta! Gaklayta!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U Rock.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Formula Evolution OLD

HOLY **** !!!!!!!!! 41 MONTHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dammit.... If u gyes are still ACTIVE... then update the site... dont need to add anything... but just UPDATE IT !!!! So We know its not unactive....

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ pistol power

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL....... Now thts not right..... HA HA HA.... Um... Look at the move XXX 1 (triple X) the gun vin disel uses !!!!! Do dat !!!

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Well... Good Luck Kalle And Renaud.... I Wish u all luck in germany !!!

And keep up the FANTASTIC Work tht i cant describe whit any human word.... Reborn Team

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ C&C: Tiberian Sun

CHECK THIS SITE OUT !!!!!!!!!!!! WWW.SWwindingo.TK a grate forum...

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tribes: Vengeance


CHECK THIS SITE OUT !!!!!!!!!!!! WWW.SWwindingo.TK a grate forum...

Good karma-6 votes
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Icons by Kalle Bowo

Kalle... their is NO Human word for what i think about u and ur work !!!!!! Its just FANTASTIC x 9999999999 = An Alien Word.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

And Yeah... Ive got a feeling to TEMP... its coming SOOOOOOON i feel it in the AIR (yeah thts wierd... but i feel changes in thigs from the air).... The mod is like 68% for me !!!! I FEEL IT (creepy) Well i do.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

LOL Temp... tht "box" is just a remake of the ORIGINAL C&C box... and NO it will not cost... it will be free, I HOPE... so whats da update ???

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ C&C: Red Alert 2

CHECK THIS SITE OUT !!!!!!!!!!!! WWW.SWwindingo.TK a grate forum...

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

SRY For Double... I just need to say tht... u fire it by pressing a button... yeah... guess u figured tht out urself... And yeah... who knows if he will be able to take another weapon and not just da JJ Rifle. ???

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I Know About Tht... thtz what i said in another post (or i just think i did :P lolz) nwm... i think i said tht it was modifyed or something (i meen thtz it attached to his arm... and he fires it by: just like the Minigun tht is in use today (in the army) it is "electric" so.... i guess tht the JJ Rifle uses the same thing.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Um... If U read the Q and A post.... u will see tht it says, the JJ will hawe 50 or 100 bullets (dunno if its in rounds or whole ammo pack) And i dunno if spawn weps will be... I hope so.... ohhh picture this... ur a JJ and ur flying around... u find the Cyborg Comando Gun.... and later on u find a crate WHIT A MUMMY.... omg... OWNAGE.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Mendoza001

um... mendoza... WHY Do u keep anoying the hell out off me ???? dont assume tht it will be like dat for the mechs.... ur realy anoying me and putting us in this situation ALL THE FREAKING TIME... dont assume STUPID things like dat untill (1. Uve heard it from one of the members or (2. Uve played the "new" mod (whic is not out yet) So Mendoza.... PLSSSSS stop it dammit.... evrytime we make PEACE.... U gotta go "assuming" tht NOD is UBER.... Tht mechs suck.... And tht leads to me "yelling" at u... STOP IT DAMMIT !!!! its enough... sure u can say tht.... BUT Say It In QUESTIONS !!!!! And Not like U KNOW 100% sure... Like say it umm... will mechs turn 360 deggres ???? will they hawe tough armor ??? will thair AIM be good, fast, bad or whatever.... U Get It ??? Good, Cuz i got no time to be missunderstod.

Peace Out.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Im Not Answering Ur Questions... But... The GDI JJ Gun.... I Think Will Be A Modyfied "standard" Infantry rifle... Dunno... And To Make "eavryone" Happy... I will from now, evry time someone ****** me off... PM Him/Her... So U dont see it here.... So, if u **** me off im gonna PM Spam U !!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

CoCo-Nutz New Base Of Operations Is At WingDingos WebSite !!!!! Muhahahahahahaha

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Dude.... Whatzzzz Ur Problem ???? Here... Take Some CoCo-NutZ And Buy Yourself A Life... *givez mendoza 1 milon CoCo-NutZ* *runz away to figure out a plan... how to take em back* *evil laugh*

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Um... NWM Now.... U Can Delete This Post And The Last One

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Umm... The NOD Obelisk.... Looks JUST LIKE THE ONE IN TS and FS omg..... Thts kinda A Stupid Question.... And Yeah... If u aint Got TS... Then Download The 2003 Reborn Beta, From www.cnc-source.com And there it iz...

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Yeah.... Congratz.... U came up whit something i cant respond to.... DAMN.... uve maneged to shut us up... for now... Il get ya, sooner or later... il get ya.

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

OMG... Becouse I FEEL LIKE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So **** Off.... Its A Good Damn Habit !!!! So Get Off My Got Damn Back....

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I Wasint Talking To U Gyes..... I Was Talking To RAZOR... And The Reply To This Will Be... CHILL Bla Bla Bla Bla... Like Always... U CHICKENS.... Evrytime I Say A "bad" Thing U JUMP ON ME... And If Someone Else Does It... And I Jump On Him.. Evrybody Turns Against Me... To Be Honest... GET A LIFE... Stop Being So Bloody Carefull.... It`s HUMAN To Do ERRORS And Its HUMAN To GET ****** Of At N00BS Like RAZOR...... And RAZOR... Where The F**K Did U Get The Idea Of Tht Some1 Is Leaving The Reborn Team... And That Thay Are CLOSING It ??? Then Tell Me.... Wuld They Still Be Working On IT If It Wuld Be Closed Down ??? To See What I Meen... GO To www.apathbeyond.com AND LOOK THERE B4 SAYING IDIOTIC THINGZ HERE !!!!!! A-Hole.... And DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST DAMMIT.... IM NOT ASKING FOR U GYES OPPINION !!!!!! Dont Make Me More ******....

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

SORRY Dingo... And Razor !!!! Ur Gonna Get It If U Post One More Message Like Tht... And If I See It... OHHH !!! And To Answer Ur Question.... U TRY MAKING A F**KING MOD Whit Awsome Graphics... For A Game From The Year 2001 !!! U Try And Do Tht... And Do It All Perfectly.... So FU And I NEVER WANT TO SEE U HERE AGAIN !!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Ok... I Hawe 3 Games To Chose From... Whic One Do U Gyes Think Is The Best ???

1. Doom 3.

2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

3. Total Overdose.


Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Make Me... I Will Steal ALL THE CoCo-NutZ In The WORLD.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I Am CK (CoCo-Nut King) And If U Try To Stop Me... I Will Take All Off Ur CoCo-NutZ And U Will Hawe A LONG And CoCo-Nuty Death !!!! Muhahahahaha..... And No-One Will Find My Secret Base On Hawaii... BLAST !!!! Now U Know Where It iz...
I WILL KILLLL YOU ALL !!!!!! BLAST !!!! Time For My Anus Pumping !!! BLAST !!! I Will Take Ur CoCo-NutZ When I Get Back...

Good karma+1 vote
-VendeTTa- - - 50 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Temp... WHERE DO U GET UR INFO FROM ?!?!?!? Gimme Dat God Damn Cookie Or Il Take Ur CoCo-Nutz...

Good karma+1 vote