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Comment History
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Bleach - Battle Rift

why are you doing this on half life rather than half life 2?

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Black Mesa

i dont mean to be a **** or anything but hasn't this already been done?

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Twas the Night Before Christams And Lift Has News!

are you gonna make a mode where you can lift without the LFO's cause the would be awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Unreal Tournament 3

how come i haven't seen any hoverboard mods?

Good karma+3 votes
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ BattleRPG

on there website.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Clone Wars player models

they look ******* amazing cant wait I'd love to test it for you once it gets to that stage. if possible.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Elements Of Style (EOS)

when i get up to the part after the ragnarock part the game crashes saying something about bravuras glasses??? does anyone else have this problem.

Good karma+2 votes
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Classic Payne

you should try and bring over the old gun animations they where ******* awesome and for some unknown reason they didn't put it in the 2nd one.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Elements Of Style Version 1.5

i have the same problem wtf is it?????

Good karma+2 votes
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ One Must Fall: Destiny

woot i loved that game.

Good karma+3 votes
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Half-Life 2

dude ps3....wtf get it on pc.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Max Payne 2

its good but not great max payne 1 is far far far better i. while i enjoyed playing it i felt that they where just tyring to milk more money out of the title.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Max Payne

you like mp2 better? mp2 is fun to play but is nowhere near as good as mp do yourself a favour and play it start to finish.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Chuck Norris Deathmatch

chuck norris is teh pwnage this is gonna be the best mod EVER made.

Good karma+1 vote
weesyboy - - 15 comments @ Elements Of Style (EOS)

gr8 mod would be really really cool if they gave it a original story line something like hk movie

Good karma+1 vote