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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Woo the summonfriend command works. You just need to use the project brutality monster names.

Ie summonfriend baronofhell is an enemy to the actor.

summonfriend cyberbaron = Friendly Cyber Baron

Good karma+2 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

What items does it dump for you now? Back when I first used the item it mainly dumped my medical supplies and left the weapons and etc in inventory alone.

If there was a way to select what kind of items it would dump it could be very useful indeed. Most of the time I find myself taking items back and adding others in if I use it

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I believe one backpack is a regular stash backpack, the other function as a sort of emergency dump. You use it and certain items are automatically deposited and it's placed on the ground like a stash.
Honestly don't see the point in it.

Unless they changed the functionality of that item by now.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

"The basic exoskeleton on its own has a base cost of 50,500 RU, this most definitely should never be anything other than a rare find."

In my personal, and maybe misguided opinion the static item placement of certain items isn't in keeping with this vision. As you say, in STALKER the majority of the character development comes from our equipment.

Bulat suits and the exoskeleton in the CNPP area is a prime example of what I'm trying to point out.

That map was the endgame in SHOC, you fought against a massive force of monolith armed with some of the best equipment in the game. They gave you high end armour because it was an incredibly punishing stroll to the end. It tested the limits of the players survival and combat abilities, the crescendo to the memorable journey.

Regardless of what you picked up, that was it. No turning back, you finished the game or you died.

The entire area isn't dangerous enough (thus far) to warrant that kind of equipment laying around for the player to pickup with minimal effort. It doesn't make sense from a meta standpoint that Monolith (and other in-world npcs) would just leave military-grade equipment around, unguarded and in plain sight.

It cheapens the experience overall, lowers the importance of looking at stashes and you don't have a good reason to explore the levels in depth a second time around. When players start ignoring those high end items just because it cheapens the feeling of achievement, it's not a good sign in my opinion.

If those item placements were randomized, so that on each separate playthrough you'd be completely in the dark as to what items you can find hidden on a level.. That would be an amazing feeling, to know what in the entire 21 maps there might be a handful of good items to be found, that your exploration would be fun and rewarding.

Naturally like stashes, most items in the world would be junk and just a couple of rare items could be found in obscure places. Maybe you'd find nothing more than a rifle in the entire zone?

With so much real estate in the zone, you could give the player a sense of purpose. Veterans would have good reason to look at the beautiful levels in depth each and every run.

What purpose does the player have in checking the massive underground areas in the generators level? When the nostalgia fades, nothing remains to draw the player there playthrough after playthrough.

The few items near the CNPP aren't the only example of this. The Compass artifact, it's nice to have it available at the exact same spot every game, but it's a 50k sell instantly. The machine gun and 2k ammo in the tank in Red forest? Instant cash. It will always be there for you to lower the difficulty barrier and hasten the end.

It's just.. a grind. I feel no joy from finding those items now, I skip them because in the end I feel like I don't deserve them. I haven't done enough, suffered enough to get those items.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

When talking about balance, do you mean economy/weapon statistic balance or both?

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I've noticed that as well, they keep burning and still display as living while on the ground with a visor mod.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I know I saw exoskeletons in the stash table under the highest rarity. I've never gotten any armour from a stash, just weapons and the other stuff.

Before you get something good from a stash, you'll probably get 200k in ammo, weapons and repair kits, artifacts, medical supplies and you can buy whatever you want.

And if you're smart you go to CNPP and get yourself two or three bulats and an exo if you're stocked up on antirad. Not very difficult, even with a sunrise suit.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

+ Added secondary use to spare repair kits, they can repair outfits AND weapons to better effect

Good news, those 60 basic kits can be useful now

Good karma+3 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I believe they decreased the amount of damage an electro anomaly did to exoskeletons. It was crazy before, a single electro anomaly could take your exo down to 40~50%.

Now that armour repair kits drop like candy it's not too bad.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Caps lock functions this way I believe. Don't know if I rebinded it from another key.

Press once and you're jogging, press again and you're walking. Hold shift and you go from walking to running.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I believe you're spawning the quest items, correct? There is whole new set of toolkit items specifically for the traders, and a different set for the player to repair his equipment with.

A bit of a mess really.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Haven't encountered any collision issues yet, and I've been playing some monster heavy wads recently.

Which engine are you playing on?

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Is there any way to enable crouching on wads that disable it? A compatibility flag or something?

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

You also might lose your mind on maps that like to trap the player with dozens and dozens of revenants when picking up keys (gotta have that instakill melee), have them stuck in a small cyberdemon arena (US Air Force reaction test).

And my favorite: make sure the player spawns in the line of sight of 10 chaingunners, 12 imps, 1 mancubus, 2 revenants, 2 arachnotrons, 6~12 zombies, 2 barons of hell on level start. And every single way to run is filled to the brim with enemies.

When you consider that every enemy is faster to react and generally quicker to hit, and that some enemy varieties are uber dangerous some wads can be very difficult even if that wasn't the intention originally.

Good karma0 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

He's going to take all your money and then some, about 4k per single upgrade. I don't know if he gives discounts for good reputation.

Good karma+1 vote
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Up the brightness one step in the settings, trust me.

I've never had to take my night-vision googles for a stroll through the nearest park at noon, how about you?

Good karma+1 vote
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Forester in Red Forest can upgrade anything, no tools needed.

Bring mucho dinero.

Good karma+3 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Could it have to do with the textures being higher resolution by default? I know I've got 4xHQ re-scaling enabled with Zandronum to make the old doom texture assets palatable on 1920x1080.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

A user a few pages back had a similar issue and he narrowed it down to a engine bug:

"It's an issue with the GZDoom build I was using. Or so it seems to me. There's no report on the bugs section of GZDoom, so I'm not sure of what is causing this... But I went back to a previous version of GZDoom and the issue seems gone. I'm using gzdoom-g2.2pre-925-gcbcde3a now. "

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Correction, it's a discriminatory neutral zone.

Good karma+3 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Why do I get the feeling that if GSC decided to kickstart the next stalker title they'd have a successful campaign?

Then again I'm probably massively underestimating the budget a AAA title like this needs.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

The next patch is going to arrive soon. Stay vigilant

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

How amazing would it be to arrive in an underground lab, only to find half the snorks dead and the other half attacking a group of artifact hunters.

First time you go down it's all mutants, the other times you'll have a rare chance at finding other stalkers. Maybe friendly, maybe bandit scum under Controller brainwashing, who knows?

Good karma+2 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

At this point I think they should just go with what turoff wanted, to not have his mod delay the release of the patch. Then again it was mentioned that the lead dev who packages the patches is offline so we might live to see it in 1.32.

I mean, it wouldn't be hard to include a link and some basic instructions alongside the mod in the mean time for everyone who wants to experience BAP.

Good karma+2 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I believe the files need to be in a subdirectory, because of the way the batch file is written.

Try to make a folder inside the main COC folder, place the extractor in and run it. If it isn't showing individual .db files being extracted in the terminal output it probably can't find the file. Make sure you run the .bat file.

It should basically look like this: cocfolder/unpacker/unpack_db.bat. Unpack_db.bat will look for the db files in ..\config\ . This is why it needs to be one folder deep in the hierarchy.

Better off using a separate directory than gamedata because you'll be mixing files left and right if you're using mods. Pick and take what you need, modify it and place in the gamedata folder.

In any case, paste the terminal content here and someone will tell you what to do.

Good karma+2 votes
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Edit numero quatro, Moddb.com

Misery did allow separate helmets with the Exos, and I saw one person on a separate forum/thread trying to revert the suit back to stock integrated helmet.

I've tried to look it up and there appears to be a single line that allows you to wear a helmet or not, the rest is texture assets and reworking the upgrade scheme for the main armour and the separate helmet and every else involved with adding new items to the game.

If need be you could toggle the helmet slot back on with the exoskeletons, but you'd be overpowered since your suit provides the bonuses that should have been for the helmet.

Good karma+1 vote
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I know a mod or two that had SEVA/Exoskeletons with detachable helmets, maybe one day we'll have something like that for CoC.

Good karma+1 vote
xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Man my memory is finicky, you're right about there being an exit.

Weren't those planks originally a single metal plate in CS? I know I tried breaking down that barrier with a dozen grenades and close to 300 rounds of 5.56 before I reloaded to a 20 minute old save.

Might as well go back and take all the artifacts next time I'm in the area.

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

So you kill with 2-3 rounds on Beginner, is Veteran/Master instant kill now?

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xanmalone - - 447 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

I haven't found a way to come back up yet, just isn't enough room to fit through when going back up the ladder. And the side shaft is impassable thanks to the iron plate. It's a cool area, if my Veles hadn't told me that there was an artifact under me I'd never even try to go down there.

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