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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Most updates about the game can be seen here: Endlessfluff.wordpress.com

There is no set deadline for the release of the other two characters at the moment, but they are working as best as they can. There are a lot of sprites to create, the stories for those characters have to be written, etc... Lots to do, and lately they've been more concerned with answering the swarm of emails they've received and trying to get the game out on several distribution sites(Desura, Humblestore, GoG, Gamer's Gate, STEAM<-- the biggest one, etc).

Good karma+2 votes
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

You can post your issue here Endlessfluff.com or also email them at admin@endlessfluff.com ... the forum is likely to get a response sooner though, because they have a lot of incoming email.

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

He's beatable with Reina, just difficult. Best way to beat him is to pay attention to how his attacks work... the Mana Beams always have a faint white glow that starts out wide and gets narrower as it's about to shoot. So when you see that... move away out of it's path.

The 3 crystals it shoots out that turn into pillars, those you can skill cancel to evade them, or you can also watch the boss' actions just before he spits them out. Does the same thing every time. You have to attack the bottom crystal first, then the top(using the pillars the boss makes to get up there), then his face, then the next pass you'll do the same thing, bottom, top, then face... and that will kill him.

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Ah, got it. I discussed that with Kyron recently but the details of that conversation have dissipated from my mind so I'm not sure if he's looking into it or not.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

If you go here: Endlessfluff.com a good deal of your questions may be answered.

Good karma0 votes
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

There's an option in the game menu to change to fullscreen.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

It's a glitch fixed in the next update. It has to do with the templar resurrecting the other angels(those big floating orbs).

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

I'm sure the difficulty he is referring to is situations like the escape sequences(which are frustrating in just about any game...) or dungeons like engineer's palace, the temple... possibly the higher level parts of the prison... I guess wester skyways too. You know, where if you are trying to get across some giant chasm, and you are hit by an enemy and knocked back down to the lower level? That stuff. :)

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

You'll want to acquire a special accessory hidden behind a divine key door. If you go to the endless fluff forums and post a "spoiler" thread I can give you more detail about it. I don't want to say anything here though.

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Only thing that got me were all the platforms that kept crumbling the first few times, because I wasn't sure where to go next immediately and would fall back down... but after a few tries I got it down. I might also have had a bit of an advantage since I've been playing the game for several months now testing different things to try and break it. The final escape sequence wasn't in the game the first time I beat it... which was sad because after I killed Anemone I was just stuck in that room... :[ (They hadn't finished the ending at that point...)

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Kyron's working on this glitch.

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

I finally got around to beating the game again(to where I could actually go further than the final boss' room), and like... I didn't find that escape sequence that bad. I had to retry about 4 or 5 times, but compared to the collapsing mine earlier in the game it was a breeze. No enemies in the way, and plenty of powerups like double jumping, the transport spell, skill cancels galore... didn't have any of that during the mine escape.

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

I don't think you're supposed to be able to get back up there during the fight... the doors on each side should be sealed with a "glowing green aura" of sorts. Doesn't appear to be a known issue either, so I'll add it to the list in their VS forum.

Thanks for the find.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

It has a windowed mode as well, just have to choose that option from the game's menu. ALT+ENTER also works to switch between them but I believe you have to be in windowed mode first or the game will just force it back into full screen everytime you hit ALT+ENTER.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Search for an item called "Teachings of Life Blade". Boosts your stats and cuts the defense levels of the two "eye" fighgs down considerably.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Which one... there are a few tough poison pukers. :) If you are talking about the thing that turns into a statue... don't bother attacking him when he's shooting his bubbles, just evade the bubbles. also pay attention to the glowing orb that generates about head height to the character, when it hits the ground it'll encase you in thorns and deal heavy damage. Lastly... just keep beating the dude when you can.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

You're talking about the dude in the area wit hthe tiered platforms right? Occasionally shoots fire balls, usually just attacks you with his sword?

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

I was thinking the same thing...

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ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

They are working on a standalone installer that will be available for purchase directly from their website, but having run into a few hurdles setting it up, it's been delayed.

Good karma+1 vote
ZackParrish - - 20 comments @ Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Use the skill cancel to dash through the "big guys", or you can also use the dark magic "up" direction spell which will turn you invisible and let you walk behind them.

The stores in the game are a kind of "barter" system, so there isn't any actual currency. You can trade in more commonly dropped items for less commonly dropped, which eventually certain combinations of items may be used to purchase accessories, upgrade weapons, armor, etc.

No idea on the control issue... I use my PS3 controller mapped to XBoX layout and have no problems. :p

Good karma+3 votes