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Comment History
ZeroMccassy - - 4 comments @ Saiyan Energy Mod

Well My team really sucked

But im planning on a new mod


Based off of .hack//sign

So be on the lookout for


Good karma+2 votes
ZeroMccassy - - 4 comments @ Saiyan Energy Mod

SEM is no longer up becuase of most of our SLOW(Underline x5 times) team members

Good karma+2 votes
ZeroMccassy - - 4 comments @ Saiyan Energy Mod

Well, How Ever Long it take our team is slower than molassus in a frikin igloo so be patiant

Good karma+2 votes
ZeroMccassy - - 4 comments @ Saiyan Energy Mod

Well We finally have coders

and PLZ! visit the forums and join up!

Good karma+2 votes