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I've loved games since I was 4-5 when I played Commodore64 games with my father. Than I got my first Sega Mega Drive and spent countless number of hours playing Sonic, Robocop (yes, Robocop!! :P) and Raiden Trad (great shooter). In 1997 I got my first PSX and that's the time when I stopped going out and hanging out with friends for a while. My favourite PSX games were Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3, Croc, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Residen Evil and many many more which I can't think of at the moment. When I got my first PS2 I only had 3 games (Final Fantasy X, Summoner 2 and SSX) and played them for long. When I bought my first PC (in 2005), I started to learn more about how games are made. Then my 3D journey began. All-nighter for many weeks just to learn how to use 3DS Max. My programming journey bagan later in 2006 with PAWN scripting lang. Then I started to leanr web design (HTML and JavaScript) after that I began to read about C/C++ and finally C#. In Jan 2008 I started Lua.

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Happy New Year 2010!!!

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I wish you all the best! I hope the New Year will be better for every single one of you than the previous year and you will achieve what you're aiming for. Remember not to be angry at anything/anyone! If you have to be angry, try to find something to do to forget about the anger! We were not born to waste ourselves! We should enjoy our lives! Hope you get better (and ONLY better) at what you do.

And again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Hi everyone :)

50p Blog

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that my bio is a little bit short for what I've gone through and what I wanted to say about myself ;P

I've joined Crystal Wolf Studios recently and I hope it will help me in the future to find a job easier since the game we're working on uses Unreal Engine which is now the best free game engine. Many employers ask for some experience with UE or at least 1 shipped title so hopefully this game will help me extend my skills and create better portfolio.

See you guys around.