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I've loved games since I was 4-5 when I played Commodore64 games with my father. Than I got my first Sega Mega Drive and spent countless number of hours playing Sonic, Robocop (yes, Robocop!! :P) and Raiden Trad (great shooter). In 1997 I got my first PSX and that's the time when I stopped going out and hanging out with friends for a while. My favourite PSX games were Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3, Croc, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Residen Evil and many many more which I can't think of at the moment. When I got my first PS2 I only had 3 games (Final Fantasy X, Summoner 2 and SSX) and played them for long. When I bought my first PC (in 2005), I started to learn more about how games are made. Then my 3D journey began. All-nighter for many weeks just to learn how to use 3DS Max. My programming journey bagan later in 2006 with PAWN scripting lang. Then I started to leanr web design (HTML and JavaScript) after that I began to read about C/C++ and finally C#. In Jan 2008 I started Lua.


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