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I've loved games since I was 4-5 when I played Commodore64 games with my father. Than I got my first Sega Mega Drive and spent countless number of hours playing Sonic, Robocop (yes, Robocop!! :P) and Raiden Trad (great shooter). In 1997 I got my first PSX and that's the time when I stopped going out and hanging out with friends for a while. My favourite PSX games were Gran Turismo 2, Tekken 3, Croc, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Residen Evil and many many more which I can't think of at the moment. When I got my first PS2 I only had 3 games (Final Fantasy X, Summoner 2 and SSX) and played them for long. When I bought my first PC (in 2005), I started to learn more about how games are made. Then my 3D journey began. All-nighter for many weeks just to learn how to use 3DS Max. My programming journey bagan later in 2006 with PAWN scripting lang. Then I started to leanr web design (HTML and JavaScript) after that I began to read about C/C++ and finally C#. In Jan 2008 I started Lua.

Comment History
50p - - 6 comments @ Primal Carnage-Concept Art

Someone has good knowledge about human anatomy. Gratz!

Good karma+2 votes
50p - - 6 comments @ Saracen APC

Well done!

Good karma+1 vote
50p - - 6 comments @ 12th Decemeber - Happy Birthday to Us!

This is still young team and yet has done so much high quality work.
I just hope it won't break up too soon.

The box art is a bit empty (as you said, placeholder). Once you get the in-game screenshots you should be able to make something interesting.

Good karma+2 votes
50p - - 6 comments @ No.4 Oxford Suite

I know it's been long time since it was uploaded but it's never too late to share my opinion with you.
It's nice calm music and I think it would fit perfectly in the credits when you complete the game - it's slow, relaxing and has the sad feeling in it.

Good karma+1 vote
50p - - 6 comments @ Makarov PM

I think specular map with some scratches would make the model look more used gun, not a "bran new" gun from shop like this one, but that's just me :)
The model overall looks impressive.

Good karma+2 votes
50p - - 6 comments @ Mossberg 590 Animation Preview

Animation is very good but I think Deagle's animation shows more weapon's power than this one. This animation looks like the guy is shooting plastic arrows. The shotgun's shots push you (gun itself) back...
Comparing this shotgun to your deagle, I'd say deagle is more powerful than this shotgun.
Reloading looks nice though.

Good karma+1 vote